Miyerkules, Oktubre 31, 2012

Solid geometry

The final three books are on solid geometry, and conclude with the construction and classification of the five platonic solids. symbiotic symbiotically symbol symbolic symbolical symbolically symbolisation symbolise symbolised symbolises symbolising symbolism symbolist symbolists swallowtail swam swamp swamped swampier swampiest swamping swampland swamplands swamps swampy swan swans swansong swap swappable swapped swapper swappers swapping swaps sward swarm swarmed swarming swarms swarthier swarthiest swarthy swashbuckling swastika tactual tadpoles taffeta tag tagged tagging tags tahiti tahr tail tailed tailing tailless taillessness tailor tailorable tailored tailoring tailormade tailors tailpiece tailplane tails tailspin tailwind taint tainted tainting taints taipei taiwan take takeable takeaway takeaways taken takeover talcum tale talkative talkativeness talkback talked talker talkers talkie talkies talking talkings tall tallboy taller tallness tally tallyho tallying talmud talon talons tambourine tamers tames tamest taming tamp tamped tamper tampered tampering tandems tang tangelo tangent tangential tangentially tangents tangerine tangerines tangible tangibly tangle tangled tangles tangling tango tangy tank tankage tankard tankards tanked tanker tankers tankful tanking tanks tanned tanner tanneries tanners tannery tannic tannin tannins tannoy tantalised tantamount tantrum tantrums tanzania tap tapas tapdance tapdancing tape taped taper taperecorded taperecording tapered taperer tapering tapers tapes tapestries tapestry tapeworm tapeworms taping tapioca tappers tapping taramasalata tarantula tarantulas tardily tardiness tardy tares target targeted targeting targets tariff tariffs tarmac tarmacadam tarn tarpaulin tarragon tarred tarried tarrier tarriest tarring tarry tarrying tars tarsal tarsus tart tartan tartans tartar tartaric tartly tartness tartrate tarts tarty tarzan task tasked high himself however important inside children close country course dog done draw from groom fire dig talk field dance fast

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